Enable nested virtualization on Google Cloud

Google Cloud Platform introduced nested virtualization support in September 2017. Nested virtualization is especially interesting to network emulation research since it allow users to run unmodified versions of popular network emulation tools like GNS3, EVE-NG, and Cloonix on a cloud instance. Google Cloud supports nested virtualization using the KVM hypervisor on Linux instances. It does

Build a custom Linux Router image for UNetLab and EVE-NG network emulators

The UNetLab and EVE-NG network emulators can become powerful tools for emulating open-source networks. However, When first installed, they support Linux images only in a limited way. Fortunately, it is easy to extend UNetLab and EVE-NG to support powerful, general-purpose Linux router and server images. In their default configuration, UNetLab and EVE-NG support Linux nodes

How to set up the UNetLab or EVE-NG network emulator on a Linux system

EVE-NG and UNetLab are graphical network emulators that support both commercial and open-source router images. UNetLab is the current, stable version of the network emulator and EVE-NG is an updated version of the same tool, available as an alpha release. The UNetLab/EVE-NG network emulator runs in a virtual machine so it can be set up

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